EVO_pure protective covers working in the process of concrete brick production
French manufacturer of concrete bricks and decorative elements made of concrete, with a department in Romania.
Using protective covers for industrial robots in the process of concrete brick production allowed the Client to:
- Shorten the time spent on cleaning of the robot and workstation;
- Protect the robot from factors causing its degradation;
- Reduce the frequency of moving part replacement;
- Reduce the robot maintenance cost.
RISK to the FANUC M20ia robot working in the process of production of concrete pieces
The FANUC M20ia robot works with spraying of a water, cement and iron oxides on mold for making building materials. It is exposed to harmful factors which could accelerate degradation and cause the moving elements to need frequent replacement.
Protective covers for robots in concrete piece production
Industrial robots in the production of concrete bricks are exposed to splashes of concrete mix, which is difficult to remove. Their moving elements can also become blocked and damaged by accumulation of cement dust. What is more, increased air humidity can cause corrosion and further accelerate robot degradation. These factors make it necessary to clean the robots frequently, which causes downtime and occupies workers, decreasing production efficiency. Using the protective cover is the key step to protect it from harmful factors.
THE SOLUTION – cover protecting the FANUC M20ia robot working with concrete piece forming
The EVO_pure cover isolates the robot from direct exposure to harmful factors, which makes it less vulnerable to damage and dirt. The cover allows the robot to work effectively and is easy to clean, which greatly decreases the maintenance cost and shortens downtime.
Let’s talk about what harmful factors your robot is exposed to.
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