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Protective cover shielding an industrial robot during downtime at work, with an option to work in the cover

One of the leader in the passenger car market. One of the most recognizable brands in the world.

Using the EVO_dust protective cover on the KUKA KR240 robot allowed the Client to:

  • Protect the robot during downtime from direct contact with sparks, spatter and dust from the welding process nearby;
  • Avoid additional expense on maintenance and cleaning in case the robot gets in contact with contaminants from the nearby process.

If there is a need to, the Client can start the robot and install cable guides without removing the cover.

HARMFUL FACTORS in the environment of kuka kr 240 robot during downtime

The Client decided to temporarily exclude the KUKA KR240 robot from production. However, since there are robots working with welding nearby, the robot is still exposed to sparks, spatter, and most importantly – dust from the production.

THE SOLUTION – EVO_dust protective cover for KUKA KR 240 for downtime

The EVO_dust protective cover for KUKA KR 240 for downtime is a solution that protects a non-working robot in a way that allows it to return to work quickly.
The construction of the cover allows the machine to work without the need to remove the cover. The over was designed in a way that allows the robot to work from time to time without too much wear.

While it is working, the KUKA robot needs to have equipment installed, so the EVO_dust cover was equipped with a special closable flap, which allows the equipment to be installed without taking off the cover.

Let’s talk about what harmful factors your robot is exposed to.

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